Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Silverthorn in My Side: Sketches of Kamelot

Thomas: "Did...you want me to sign this?  Oh, I can keep this?  Thanks, man!"

Tommy: "Whoa.  Cool.  Thanks, man!"

Alissa: "Are you a Character Designer?  One of my friends does that." 

Sean: *laughs "Thank you!"

Coen: "Hey!  My first gift!  Thanks!  You got the hair right!"

Casey: "?  Oh, thanks a lot!"

Here's a little project I did for the band, Kamelot for their show on September 21, 2013 in Anaheim.  

Since I saw them open for Nightwish, I have been drawing and giving bands character designs or drawings of them as a gift.  Mostly, I get a "oh, this is cool" and a "thank you," and that's it--which is totally worth it for me! 
But this time, I gave them these pictures--and the next day, two of them showed up on the bands Facebook page!--which can be seen here: 


I was very very flattered. 

Kamelot, if you see this, thank you again for accepting my work so graciously, and as always, putting on an awesome show!  

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