Thursday, January 19, 2012

GamePro Archives 3: Major Mike in Virtua Fighting

Major Mike thrashes Virtua Fighter 3tb, then successfully defends his thrashing. 

I love this image--especially since I'm not such a fan of Virtua Fighter to begin with.  This GamePro illustration was derived from a letter where a Producer from Sega of America writes to Major Mike, expressing his disappointment in a poor review.  The game in question was Virtua Fighter 3tb, and Major Mike defends his lukewarm rating (3.5 out of 5.0 Fun Factor) by pointing out that this was a game that appeals strictly to fans of the series, and few else.

*Just in case of any copyright or any racial issues, I decided to change Jeffrey's hair and skin colors so no one is offended by a Major Mike backfisting him.

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